Friday, April 29, 2016

Hearthstone - Opening 52 WOG packs. Day 3.

Got 2nd Boogeymonster. Twin Emperor Vek'lor

Total packs opened : 152.

most duplicate card is
flameweathed faceless  x18
follow by tidehunter, cult apothecary, all at x17

missing card.

rare :
2x skeram cultist

epic card obtained. 1 card unless stated.
3x giant sand worm
2x forbidden flame
3x forbidden healing
2x vilefin inquisitor
forbidden shaping
embrace the shadow
2x shadowcaster
blade of c'thun
eternal sentinel
hammer of twilight
2x renounce darkness
blood warrior
2x tentacles for arms
cyclopian horror
twilight summoner
crazed worshipper
validated doomsayer
ancient harbinger
blood of the ancient one

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