Sunday, May 12, 2013

Energizer Singapore Night Trail Race 2013.

First race of the year 2013. Last race was North Face in October.

Slacking for many months. Only signed up for 12km instead of 18km.

Left home at around 1800 hrs. This time round, decide to take bus 163 and change to bus 138 after AMK ave 5.
Reach Lorong Asrama just before 1900 hrs. The 12km race start on 1945 hrs.
Start taking some pictures before the race.
Message Soo and he replied that he running 18km, did not meet him at all pre or post race.

Drank some H2O to hydrate myself before the race.
Decide to use the bag deposit service.
Only carry my bike front light for the run.
This time round, no Magnum ice cream.
Ate 1 ice cream before the race.

There was another food stall beside the Old Chang Kee and Ramly burger.
There was the free milo also (drank one cup).

Went to the starting area 15 minutes before the start. It started drizzling, luckily it stopped shortly.

Race was flagged of at 1945 hrs.
Ran normally, stopping at the water point every 2km.
Just after 4km mark, it was time to walk up the Hill .265 and as usual, the organiser placed 2 ropes to allow runners to make up the hill easier.

At the 7+ km mark, there was some problem with my Garmin, some error message pop up (never seen before).
Off the garmin and restarted it. Failed to acquire the satellite as i was walking.
Only acquired the satellite when i stop at the next water point.
Hence the less than 12km shown on the garmin.

At the last water point, there was a puddle of mud water along the route and a jam occurs.
Almost all runners including me walk along the edge of the route to "siam" the mud water.
Maybe spent 2-3 minutes during the jam.

There was a few sections with long up slope. Including one with lallang all around near the ending point.
After this lallang, its almost downslope all the way to the ending point.

After crossing the finish line, collected the finisher medal,
Collected my pouch from bag deposit. Took some H2O and ate 1 another ice cream.

Took bus 138 to AMK S11 to buy food and took bus 50 back home.

Reached home at around 2320 hrs which is almost the same time as last year.

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